A novel approach to identifying pathogens and treating wounds more effectively.
With one simple swab collection, our lab partner’s novel test provides all the information you need to accurately diagnose wound infections the first time allowing you to provide better treatment for your patients.
- Includes a drug resistance profile that provides drug sensitivity/resistance for treating pathogenic microbes
- Comprehensive testing that describes and quantitates every single bacteria
- Saves Money
- Faster Healing
Molecular Testing-Guided Wound Healing Superior to Culture Methods
Wounds are often infected with multiple microorganisms that complicate and prolong the healing process. Our molecular diagnostic test uses up to date reference databases for identification of bacteria & fungi and determination of antibiotic resistance genes. This Next Generation Care test increases the ability to diagnose pathogenic agents affecting wound healing. Traditional bacterial identification uses culturing techniques that have been used for nearly 100 years. Although widely utilized, physicians realize that culturing often fails to identify infections. This is because the majority (85%-95%) of bacteria cannot grow in culture and therefore cannot be identified by traditional culture methods.
Our lab’s test does not rely on bacterial culture but rather uses state of the art DNA sequencing technology to identify all bacteria present in the wound. Scientists at Granger Diagnostics developed a proprietary approach for sequencing organisms infecting a wound and identification of the infecting microorganisms. This assay is capable of detecting offending organisms across a wide range of concentrations. The test is commercially available and provides actionable results in 48 hours (typically) of sample receipt.
How Does It Work?
Our lab partner’s scientists developed a proprietary approach for sequencing organisms infecting a wound and identification of the infecting microorganisms. This assay is capable of detecting offending organisms across a wide range of concentrations. The test is commercially available and provides actionable results in 48 hours (typically) of sample receipt. It does not rely on bacterial culture but rather utilizes state of the art DNA sequencing technology.
In addition to determining presence or absence of organisms, it identifies key antibacterial resistance genes that may be present in the wound that can affect the success of treatment. It can easily be implemented into your practice without the need to purchase expensive equipment or additional supplies. We provide the collection kits to your office/medical center and our lab partner covers the cost of shipment to the laboratory. Results are available through their proprietary system and can easily be accessed with any web browser.
Contact us today to find out how you can improve patient care when treating wounds and save patients money in the process.